#NBCLatino20: The Rev. Odel Medina — A community’s solace

Fr. Odel Medina was just honored by NBC as a one one of twenty Latino men and women who “are using their voice, talent and passion to empower our communities and show that America’s strength lies in our diversity.” He was recognized specifically for his outreach to immigrant families during a recent immigration sweep at a Mississippi chicken processing plant. Here’s what he did to make a difference.
During the height of a record-setting immigration sweep at chicken processing plants in Mississippi in August, the Rev. Odel Medina of St. Anne’s Catholic Church in Carthage turned his parish into a makeshift legal and counseling center.

Immigration lawyers and social workers who were scrambling to help affected families gathered at the church to help immigrant families navigate a path forward. Nearly 700 workers, mostly Latino, were arrested in the raids. Officials called it the biggest work site immigration enforcement operation in a single state.

Read more here.

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