In the San Juan de Flores neighborhood of Comayagüelas, Honduras, it’s hard for people to know where their next meal will come from.
With very limited resources, the people we serve in this community struggle to meet their basic needs — including adequate nutrition.
Something had to be done, but our Missionaries couldn’t do it alone.
That’s why Fr. César invited some local volunteers to form the Solidarity Soup Kitchen. Coordinator Norma organized a group of women who could come together to feed their neighbors. They borrowed cooking supplies and started selling tamales at night to raise funds to open the soup kitchen.
The women serve their most nourishing recipes to the men, women and many beautiful children in the community, all of whom are grateful for their meals.
Fr. César and Fr. Alexander Diaz Peinado, S.T., wish to express their profound gratitude to all the benefactors who help make the Solidarity Soup Kitchen possible. The soup kitchen is making a difference in the lives of so many who are suffering. The impact of this new effort cannot be overstated.
To learn more about this wonderful new initiative, watch as Fr. César and Fr. Alexander give a tour of the Solidarity Soup Kitchen: