Studies show that the median age in which young people are leaving the Catholic faith is thirteen years old. This is startling information that should move every adult Catholic to action. In order to pass the beauty of the Catholic faith on to the next generation, we must work diligently to share the love of God, create opportunities to encounter Christ, and to live out the example of true Christian charity.
But how? How can we do those things in today’s world when culture views the Catholic Church in such a negative light?
The Catholic Church: A Power for Good is a one-day international seminar that will be taking place at the Shrine of St. Joseph on October 20, 2019. Trinity Missions has worked to develop a series of talks, discussions, workshops, and leadership programs that will both reinvigorate your own Catholic faith and give you the practical tools needed to share it with the world.
Catholic youth ages nine to seventeen are also invited to attend the seminar. They will hear their own set of dynamic talks and take part in activities that will help them become confident in expressing their authentic selves, learn personal responsibility, make good choices, and grow in relationship with Jesus.
This day promises to be instrumental in teaching today’s Catholics how to be a Power for Good by bringing into the light the truth and goodness of the Catholic Church. Visit the official event page to learn who the eight special guest speakers will be and to register for this FREE event.